Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dark Forest Prompt

Cave of the grotesque

Prime evil
My flashlight is a weapon
the only games that scare me
are the ones where I'm unarmed
where you have nothing to do 
but hide beneath the tables
and run when the monster's back is turned

an ancient noise comes from my throat
neither scream, which suggest terror,
nor purely the rage I want to exhibit
a mixing noise of echo and metal
against concrete
primeval thing is here
Is here in opposition
and thus must die

I have a plan

You see, it isn't murder
if done
in self

Primeval plans
Place the batteries in its mouth
gnash its teeth down with my hands
til the poison fluid spills down
its chin and bleeding maw

Brain is most lovely as a verb
I raise high my torch
and help it fall
with a satisfying crack
of metal snapping bone
and meat

I remove the bulb from my lamp
break it painfully on the wall
against a painted elder face
take the glass against the flesh
create my own fearsome art
with blood, my own and its,
as eyeshadow, stain and rouge.

You see,
it isn't murder
if it's done in self defense
and who knows what that man- that monster
had in store for me.

"She was asking for it," 
they told me once.
So I did.
When they ask me what I've done.
"He was asking for it,"
I'll say,
"Wandering about at such an hour,
And all dressed up like that."

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