Monday, July 13, 2009

Project <3

I think I mentioned a long while back that I was thinking of doing Greek myth rewrites for Nanowrimo next year (in one big book... "big" is a relative concept). Well, I've rethought and will be doing myths, legends, and folktales from around the world, including the previously mentioned Greek myths.... oh, reread the post and will not do some of the less-interesting ones.

Anyway, I'm planning on doing THESE ones, so far. Send me additional stories that are lesser-known and fascinating. Huzzah? (I'll link/post/summarize the stories later so you know what they're more about than just the titles ^^*)

Greek Myth-
Selene and Endymion

Latino Fairytale/Ghost Story-
La Llorona

Japanese Fairytale-
Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (竹取物語)(Yes, there are indeed two source materials for the mythology of Sailor Moon on this list, but I cannot help if my interests coincide with those of Naoko Takeuchi.)

The Man Who Sang to Ghosts (based on title alone, so far...)

Taira no Tadanori's story (poet-warrior from 平家物語)(Tale of the Heike)

German Fairy Tale-
Goose Girl (Bros. Grimm)

Danish Short Story (doesn't really qualify...)-
Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Andersen)
Brave Tin Soldier (HCA)

English Poem-
Enoch Arden (Tennyson)

American Tall Tale-
John Henry

Suggest more! Please! If you can, steer clear of Andersen and the Grimm bros, because they are simply plum tuckered out from all the rewrites.


Also, really want to do this story, but app. came from a Pokemon episode. Here is the episode:

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