Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So, this is why I never post anymore

So, today, the fellow I've been sort of flirting with/kinda interested in/somewhat curious about came by my desk again.  He works at the same place as me, so this happens quite a bit.  Anyway, we talked for like five minutes (am a bad worker... x2!).  Lots of questions about applying to places and so on.

Well, I really thought he was going to ask me out, and I was gonna say yes, despite certain policies in place*.  I got pretty excited because, well, Valentine's Day is coming up.  I'm thinking of going to a lecture on coercion and caregiving in the U.S. anyway. Pooh pooh.

Anywho, I really thought he was going to ask me out, and then... he didn't.  So... anticlimax.  Probably seeing someone anyway because EVERYONE is, even people about whom I get an interested vibe.  And they all seem to be monogamous.  Drat!

Which just goes to show that I have nothing much to write about.  Because things sorta happen or almost happen but not much is really going on.  Well, it is, but, really, do you want to hear about my homeworks? I think not.  "Unfollow" clicked.

*Wait... what policies?  Oh that's right, the whole "I'M TOO BUSY TO CONSIDER DATING ANYONE OF ANY GENDER BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY WHICH IS REDUNDANT BUT TRUE" policy.  Ahh.

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