Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Song

Happy happy song to me! 一半女生(Half the Girls) by Twins.

Well, to tell you the truth, I don't have much to say about it.  I don't think an English translation is available online anywhere yet.  The only part in English is "Bye bye love, bye bye happiness" which draws one straight away to a particular English language song (cough!).  Anyway, from what I can gleam of auto-translate features on Google, the lyrics really are sad and about lost love.

But the tune is just so cheerful!  And look at that video (so cuuute!)-- they sure SEEM happy.  Maybe they are like, "bye, love but at least I still got my sister and that's what really matters."  I like to think that anyway ^__^

I came across the CD this was on back in high school when they still didn't have more than twenty albums in the East Asian music section of the public library.  That's how it's classified FYI, even though a lot of the artists were from South Asia.  I've got a lot of songs on my computer still from those days, though this was by far the sweetest.  They are so durned cute!

And I can sing in Mandarin (apparently their first Mandarin album-- previously mostly Cantonese with a few English albums thrown in) when I listen to this... because I randomly memorized it.  Don't know what I'm saying, but still!  I want to harass Mandarin-speaking friends to know what they are saying!!!!!

So cuute!

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