Tuesday, February 10, 2009

*Must Get to Bed Early*

So can lie in bed without sleeping for longer period of time. Which will do wonders for my sanity? Or not...

In any event, I'm trying to figure all this craziness out with graduation and classes for next quarter and how Tokyo studying-ness will end up on my transcript. It is a mess- gyah! Still my AIST 200, the INTRO class, has not shown up properly on my program eval, which determines whether or not I ACTUALLY graduate or not (versus just being accepted TO graduate.) Do not actually know for sure when I will graduate, provided all this messy doesn't prevent it/send me into summer school in a bad way. Oh, June 14th app. Wonder why they haven't really told us....

Am working on editing. Have almost posted first chapters for your peering little eyes many a time, but have held back, on account of various silly factors. They're too silly to tell, yet I shan't post these chapters nonetheless. Oh, what a worry wart. Yeegh.

Diet, day two. Do I look thinner in text? If you print this, then I'll practically be 2-dimensional. But that'd ruin my sci fi brain, so let's just keep this between us and between the *waves*. Oh, tech.

Must to sleep with myself get! Must also finish disc one of season three of Lois and Clark tomorrow so as to be able to return it to the library on Thursday. Wonder if I can renew the other two discs I checked out, but then again, I oughtn't, since I'll be picking up Firefly, the complete series. Whatever happened to getting a season watched a week? Oh, right, I'm being a lazy bum what that doesn't study, which = am watching v. little tv. Am freak of nature.


R: Inkheart- Cornelia Funke

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