Sunday, August 16, 2009

Nerd-ifying my Speech!

Am going to try to add more nerd-terms to my normal speech behavior. By doing this, I will more obviously establish myself as an out-nerd (letting my freak flag fly) and attract other nerds around me (the mating dance of the dweeb). Really, I should get to sleep now, but I will ponder things more when I am awake again!

Star Trek- Kobayashi Maru must be used- as a student, I have so many opportunities: "Don't sweat about the final- it's not as though it's the KOBAYASHI MARU".... or not v.v

Okay, better yet, say "I was totally Kobayashi Maru'd" after a test ^___^

ReBoot- "Stay frosty" as a phrase of parting. "Alphanumeric" or "that was totally random!" for expressions of cool-ness. "What in the net?" For "what the hell" and "Thank the user!" for "thank God!"

Avatar- "Can your science explain how it rains?" (when someone asks something silly about my major?)... (I'll come up with something better.)

X-files- Don't be such a Scully!

Buffy- "Big Bad"

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