Saturday, October 27, 2012

Think Diary. Diary diary diary.

I keep hearing diarrhea when I repeat "diary" in my brain.  Ok, no poetry.  Or maybe.  Anyway, let's talk about what has gone down since I last posted.  Yeah! (fist in air a la Breakfast Club)

Sitting here in my workout clothes, I really need to go to the gym and shouldn't be procrastinating.  Time is tricky.  So, I am meeting G to see movie at 2:20-ish about 5 mins away.  Leaving the apartment at 2:10 then.  Okay!  I need at least an hour to get ready (shower, dry hair, make ups...) which means I must be home by 1:10.  I lose about half an hour commuting both ways to gym (fifteen minute drive), which means, if I leave here now-ish, I should have about a half hour to work out and ten minutes to stretch.  Let's do the fake math.  12:55 I must leave the gym.  I may leave apartment at 12:00, get at gym by 12:15.  Whoa.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how my brain works in everyday life.

Going to see Cloud Atlas and critique the crap out of it.  I've read the book, so feel prepared.  Going to look at the race-bending and sexy geisha sex kitten image of Sonmi.  Also, making Tom Hanks play Zachry, who I think is meant to be a teenager...  and making him curse a lot?  I don't remember that in the book... anyway...

Poor G got in a bad bike accident last night, so we moved movie seeing to today.  Yikes!  People with beautiful faces should not be hit by pavement- tsk tsk, concrete surface.

I'll probably post something about the movie, but I have to leave in a few minutes if I want to keep my fancy gym schedule O.o


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