Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Casual Racism

I know, it isn't good to vent in a public venue, so I'll be as obscure as possible with my references.

I just want to say that the coup d'etat in Chile is an essential event in my family history.  It is not interchangeable with any other event.  The coup has a place in my personal and in world history.

If you don't know about the coup, educate yourself.

Don't expect me to understand your personal history if you don't understand mine.  The next time you laugh at me for ignorance on Anglophone history, I'm going to metaphorically smack you upside the head.

Tragedies across the world are not interchangeable.

Just suck it up and recognize you are privileged.  And stop being antagonistically defensive against me for having many "protected class status[es]."  I'd be happy to change shoes with you any day of the week.

And just to be a dick, I'm going to make you read the most awkward as hell writings the rest of the quarter.

And if you say anything, I'll just say you have no idea what it's like.

By the by, this is what it looks like when I'm angry.  It doesn't happen often.  I'm usually just sad.  But today I am just really angry.

Because nobody should have to endure casual racism.

And I really felt like I didn't belong today.  And went to the bathroom to cry and wouldn't let myself because I knew this was something I needed to be angry about.

So now I am still angry but mostly homesick for my mom, who gets it.

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