Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Some people seem to think that everything comes easy to me and that I lived the most glorious life of all. Just because I try to be cheery all the time, doesn't mean I've always got a heckuva lot to be cheery about. I am content with my life but today was a lousy day, for the most part. It had some good parts too-- they should not be forgotten, but I am a busy soul.

Here was my day:

7:00AM- My cell phone alarm rings waking me up after finally getting to sleep around 4:30. Rough night for sleep on account of the noisy wind. I am so exhausted, that I go back to sleep.

7:15AM- The second alarm rings and I must get up this time. I dress myself, do my make up and hair, eat, and otherwise prepare for the day. I feel too sleepy to wear a skirt, like usual, but do not want to dress down-- I have a presentation today. I wear Bermuda shorts with tights, which, on reflection, looks a bit silly.

8:30AM- I leave for work. There is a lot of traffic on the freeway. I try not to fall asleep while driving.

9:00AM- I am at work trying to type up meeting minutes, which I hate hate hate, update a website, fix a few documents, make a writeable PDF, etc. My chair has been switched with a less ergonomically friendly one, on account of which my back begins to hurt-- it hurts every day, but today is worse than usual.

10:45AM- I go to the faculty hiring session to hear a fellow teach about GIS. It is extremely boring and math heavy, and I forgot to pack a snack. The gentleman cruelly suggests that people receiving government "handouts" are more likely to commit crimes through his data- whether he meant to make this suggestion or not is unimportant. He's nearly a PhD and should know to be careful.

When asked how he will deal with diverse student populations and, in particular, transgender folks, he gives a strange face- suggesting "Ew." I am pretty peeved off. I make plans to give him a harsh review. My back really hurts.

1:15PM- I return to the office and get back to work. I am behind on everything because of the faculty hiring session. I have received two new assignments while I was out.

1:30PM-ish - A friend stops by and I leave the office to talk with him. A very unpleasant conversation ensues about which I cannot detail further without resorting to indiscretion. (It seems passive-aggressive to insult people who may read your blog, though I doubt this person does, though I mean no insult)

1:35PM-ish - I return to my office and promptly sit down to cry. My back aches terribly and I'm in a foul mood. I call my mom for a pick-me-up conversation.

4:30PM- I take over for the admin assistant, adding her duties to mine for the crucial last half hour of the day. I do not complete all that I had hoped to by five.

5:15PM- I leave work and head over to the student bookstore to try and procure some food for class. The prices are insane, so I leave disappointed. To get a bit more energy, I go to the coffee shop and get a triple soy mocha. Ahhhh...

5:30 - I meet with my presentation group to prepare for our group presentation... which is a redundant sentence. I buy a Diet Coke and drink both it and the coffee and eventually get hyper enough to fake a good mood.

5:45-10- CLASS

10:30 I arrive home and play video games for a bit before going to my blogging and reading some.

Now - I am sleepy and my neck/back hurt badly enough to want to go to sleep and not update anymore/read, even though I ought to.

Good night, my lovelies.

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