Sunday, May 2, 2010


In addition to cosplaying as Kaylee from Firefly (I just need an OD Green Jumpsuit-- apparently, they are $20 are Ed's Sir Plus so I'm going to send the expensive one, which does not fit over my boobs, back!), I am thinking of a few other cosplay ideas.

Anyway, I'm going to try to track them all.  Some are easier than others, foa shoa!

Kaylee Cosplay-

Needed materials-
Flowery pink, long-sleeved shirt
Sleeveless OD Green jumpsuit
Black boots
Leather strap bead necklace
Blue flower patch
Red heart patch
Bear patch
Chinese characters :o)

What I've got-
Sorta lame pink, long-sleeved shirt (I'm hoping to do better!)
Lame, not fitting sleeveless olive green jumpsuit
Fluffy black boots that don't look like hers (but I already had them from a long time ago)
Leather strap bead necklace (authentically made by a jeweler for cheap!)
Blue flower patch (a little too shiney but it should be easy to get another for cheap)
Tiny red heart patch O.o
Bear patch (authentic- from Firefly Cargo Bay)

So basically, I need-
A better shirt
Jumpsuit (but I know where to get it!)
Blue flower patch
Red heart patch

... I guess I'm not as far along as I thought.

If you see this shirt, buy it!

Okay, so I'm also thinking of doing a steam punk theme, using some of these elements (but cheaper, these ones all came from the lovely Clockwork Couture site):

Also, thinking of doing Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service, because it looks easy (and not slutty!)

So, for her, I'd need:
Baggy blackish purple dress
Red flats
Big red bow
Old-style Broom
Jiji (the cat)

I've got:
Jiji... ^^* Bought him at Kitty Land.  Full size- yay!

But, I think the rest should be easy... let's check the ebay:

Ah, apparently the term is "boxy." The dress shouldn't be hard- but I'd like it to be under $20!
I found the shoes for 99 cents...
Hm... bow is about $10 so I may need to consider making it.
I may need to make the broom, but a gal has explained how to do it pretty easy, so I'm not worried :D

Anyway, those are my thoughts for the FUTURE.  I've also dressed up as BBC Merlin:

He's pretty easy, mostly because no one's seen the show!


1 comment:

Lydon Taylor said...

All the steampunk clothing and accessories designs are looking quite impressive and beautiful. Nowadays steampunk clothing is counted as the latest fashion trend among many fashion oriented people.
steampunk clothing