Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is What Happens When You are SICK

Yes, it is true, the rumors, I mean (lookit all those commas). I am now a ranked Puzzle Pirates Player (alliteration!). Also, I got a pretty darned awesome hat, and am now the most fashionable pirate in the whole entire game (yargh!)

Yeah, that's not my dog. But that is my hat. I forget what it is called, possibly a buccaneer hat- they look similar, right?

Also, I have two trophies for becoming illustrious, which means, becoming RANKED. Which, in turn, means I've been playing way way way way (four, count 'em) too much. But anyway, here are images from the YPPEDIA (Yohoho Puzzle Pirates Encyclopedia) of the trophies I have for Exploring and being a Magnate.

They are, top to bottom, the Monogrammed Ingot and the Gilded Atlas. Be *amazed*. Or not... I really need to get a real life, don't I? Cough. That's not an order. That's a me coughing from the awkwardness of my situation.

EDIT: It is actually a COCKADE HAT- it is limited edition, so it's a lot harder to find on the YPPEDIA (Yohoho Puzzle Pirates Encyclopedia):

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