Sunday, March 7, 2010


Okay, I will try to tell you of the today.  But I am a bit Vicodined up.  Such is life!  I have complained elsewhere on the interwebz and will not bore you with such silliness.

Well, most of the today was spent with baby A.  See how discreet I am?  Though, since I have told you her name elsewhere, you may remember that she is Amelia.  I think I may have bragged a bit when she was born.  I am just too worried about her being kidnapped on account of being so darned cute to put anymore pictures up here.  You will have to be sneakier if you want them!

Anyway, we went to the Bothell Library and the UWB Library... twice!  Yes, I forgot my student ID and the UWB librarian boy told me he could not give me my items without it.  Though I had a driver's license, my student number, and.... a baby...  So, I went back home with said kidling and returned.  A new fellow was there to give me my holds, and he told me he had heard the previous conversation, and that, if such a thing is to happen again, I can, in fact, just use my student number.


Well, why didn't he say that before I left and drove all the way back home?  Strangeness, I say.  Oh well, the lamb enjoyed it.  (I say "lamb" because that's what they called the baby in Five Children and It though I haven't a clue why they say that... old slang?)

I also picked up George Bishop Jr's Letter to my Daughter, which I must read.  I was in a reading group with the author when I was in Tokyo.  Isn't that a little bit amazing?  Seriously, this isn't a university press book (I've met some of those authors), but this is mainstream.  He could be famous someday, and I will say that I was in a book club with him.  Plus, he was insanely nice and good looking to boot!

What else?  A lot of lounging about with my mother.  Went to dinner at Outback.  Be warned, if you get a San Pallegrino there, they give you a giguntic bottle, not the wee one.  Tricky business.  I shall be peeing all night.  Hopefully, I will wake up to do it :)

Done with the quarter on Thursday (because I'm turning all my final-ness-es in early so as to have as long a break as possible... so as to get as much reading done for next quarter as possible.  Hrm)!  Wish me luck! 


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