Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weird Dreams Lately

Again with the weird dreams last night.  Very violent, I'm afraid, but not scary.  I'm not sure why, but I wasn't scared at all.

I can't remember the particulars.  We were fighting in a war, but I can't remember what it was about, and it seemed rather small.  I think that we weren't all too serious about it, possibly more bored than anything.

Well, somehow I knew that I would end up dying on the battlefield.  I think I had a vision or something.  I went in anyway, with my dog, no less.  Very strange to bring my dog into battle (very strange to have a battle inside a building too, I think... well, I guess not so much.)

Anyway, I was hit a zillion times by this guy with a hammer, and I remember the "screen" (my eyes) getting all dotted with blood.  And the jerk hit my dog too and knocked him out.

That's pretty much all I remember.  Weird dream.  I think I might have survived, but my alarm went off before I knew for sure.

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