Thursday, June 9, 2011

Old-ish Writing Experiment

Found this and am putting it here for safekeeping....  because it is how I roll.

Hateful Things

* After "Hateful Things" from the Pillow Book, attributed to Sei Shonagon.

It is most annoying when someone finds one's nervous habits annoying. There is a need for such things as loudly smacking one's gum, cracking one's joints, and pulling at scabs. When one is told to put an end to such habits, that is most hateful.

One must bite into the juicy apple to reach its taste, and the crunch is delicious but the sound attacks the ears and burns.

Of course, one worries about things, and so arrives early to a doctor's appointment. One is kept waiting, however, for nearly an hour. When brought to the examination room, the doctor hurries one along, so that one forgets all the nuances of the condition which brought one to the doctor in the first place.

A person will often say that she "knows how you feel" in times of great suffering.

People who are ill-treated often ill treat others, as though they did not understand the difficulties of their own situations.

I really hate it when people do not say "thank you" when I hold the door open for them. It is simply rude.

To be concerned about showing concern is a tricky and irritating thing. It is, of course, annoying to hear a person whine each day for hours on end, but a bit of time now and again should be allotted.

One has just finished putting the final layer of polish on one's nails, but smears it instead.

One has surreptitiously tiptoed off for a midnight snack-- how embarrassing!-- and is caught red handed.

One is in bed, trying to sleep, but simply cannot fall asleep. After hours of tossing, one finally gives up, and tries to read, but it too tired to concentrate.

One is eating the most delicious cookie ever invented, and someone breaks in asking you if you aren't on a diet anymore.

One is drinking a soda and someone reminds you you've given up caffeine.

It is very annoying when someone calls at 3 a.m.

One finds out that the neighborhood "stray" one has been feeding for months actually has a home. He is in the habit now, and will never stop coming and whining for food.

A friend calls in the early afternoon, and laughs at one's sleepful voice, calling one a "sleepyhead," telling one to "rise and shine" and the like. One has been up late studying. Annoying.

An ex with whom one would like to be reunited offers paragraphs of praise for a new lover.

The phrase, "not bad, if I do say so myself." As well as, "not to toot my own horn." Though not self-praise in itself.

A night with no moon is always hateful.

I cannot stand a post office. I avoid it at all costs.

I hate sentences that go on for pages with no punctuation of any kind. They really give one a headache.

Sometimes, such a person will use very long words that one has never heard of, while still ignoring the basics of sentence construction.

It is annoying when, after referring to someone by their first name, another person adds a title prior to the last name. It makes one seem rude.

A favorite pen that has run out of ink.

Catching every red light during one's morning commute. Even more so if running late.

The feeling of guiltiness for disliking someone or something for no particular reason.

The neighbor who sets off New Years' or Fourth of July fireworks from 1 p.m. to 5 a.m., driving the cats into a frenzy.

When a lover has one very odious quality or habit, such as halitosis. Of course, one cannot say anything for a long while, for the romance would be gone. For many months, one simply puts up with it, and just when one is in a stage where one might start making hints, the relationship ends.

Equally annoying is when a new lover feels the need to point out all of one's flaws, seeing herself as entirely flawless.

A good lover will also feel the need for romance.

There will be poems, special songs, and dancing. Candles are also quite nice, as well as surprise mini-breaks.

Indeed, those are the kinds of romances that make one grow accustomed to and love even those things that would otherwise be hateful.

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