Friday, June 17, 2011

Three months?!?!?!

Dear Dr. E,

You are a crazy lady.  For reals. 

Let's start from the beginning.  I came to you today, leaving work early and losing moneys by doing so, because I've been feeling pretty lousy all week.  I've been really dizzy even just sitting, super nauseous, lacking in appetite, sleepy, and achy in the general ear/sinus region.  The worst is my balance.  I told you how I do hot yoga and have pretty durned good balance, but have been falling over a lot this week (super embarrassing!).

What tests did you do?  Well, you took my blood pressure and temperature.  Oh.  Well, actually, you didn't.  The nurse did.  You listened to me breathe, checked my ears, and looked at my throat.  And then you pronounced (wait for it....)

That I've got viral labyrinthitis.  You told me to drink lots of ginger ale (you actually said lots of sugary and salty drinks versus water), ginger tablets (whatever those are), and Pepto Bismal (should be called Pepto DISMAL ... fail... seriously though, it is icky).  You didn't want to put me on any medications (and apparently think I'm allergic to amoxocillin.  Not sure why).

You explained that viral labyrinthitis is contagious.  It affects the inner ear, so it throws off my equilibrium.  Which explains the falling over and what not.  You explained that it was causing my "vertigo" making me think of a Hitchcock film, can't remember what it's called (this is a lot funnier in my head).  Something about chemicals.

Oh, and then you said it would heal naturally in, oh, THREE MONTHS.  It would take three weeks for any improvement, you explained.

Ugh.  Think maybe I'll get a second opinion.  I don't want to feel crappy for three months!!! 

Woe to me.  Ginger tablets, really?  Has anyone heard of this???  What are they, and where do you get them?  And she said I should take them "if I could get them down."  So I'm guessing they taste awful.


who is sick
and will be
for three blankety blank

p.s. just looked it up on Wikipedia, and apparently it can last years and cause permanent damage.  Ugh!!!!

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