Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Miss Tai Chi v.v

Anyway, I just blogged about this in my other blog- the one I don't share with you :P So I don't feel like talking about it anymore. Your loss- hah (because you really wanted to hear me complain about how much my back hurts tonight?). The whole point is, I think Tai Chi might help, but I'm not sure if it is all in my silly head. It is all very confusing and mystical (mystical? really? I just threw that word in to get more hits on Google, didn't I?).

Okay, diary-like, here we go!

This morning, I awoke (?) at 8:30 (ish) to take the kitty to be groomed (and to groom myself first- I'm not an animal!... get the pun?). After dropping him off (did you know it takes 3-3.5 hrs-ish??), I went to Starbucks with the intent of finishing the rest, 80 pages, of my "Introducing Cultural Studies" book for school in the fall. That book is DRY and, you know what?, a little offensive. There, I said it. The Cultural Studies book is offensive and shows stereotypes. Though, maybe they mean to make you more aware of them, in a sneaky sort of way? I do not give them that much credit!!!

Anyway, a strange thing happened at Starbucks (le gasp). These three men, who most certainly work at Bothell High, my alma mater (can you say that for high school?), on account of their name badges, were staring at me. Not in a "you are sexy and I cannot take my eyes of you" way, but in a "I'mma call the truancy officer and get yer ass back ta class" way. Eek. Think I maybe should get a badge that reads:

Good plan. Anyway, they were giving me the evil eye all through coffee, so it's a good thing I brought a crossword (or two... in the paper.. 'cause they come that way...) and headphones, to distract myself from their prospective wraths. The NY Times has been randomly hard this week, or I've been especially idiotic (let's assume the former for the sake of my ego), but I got the Seattle Times one done PDQ. The Jumble, which is always easy, broke form and eluded me today. Bad job, me. Tsk.

Right as I began reading the aforementioned "text" book, something SHOCKING happened. And by SHOCKING, I mean rather mundane, but... you know, I'm no James Bond so I'll take what I can get, right? So, anyway my mother called, who is the only one who reads this, and who knows that she called, unless she forgot. Hrm. Anyway, she called asking for three dozen donuts to be picked up so she could bring them to work the next day for her birthday. Yes, like kindergarten, in the working world one brings treats on their OWN birthday, not someone else's. This is what I have to look forward to when I grow up.

Three dozen donuts are really really really hard to carry, if you didn't know. You can stack 'em, but they can slide about and try to escape. Luckily, I wrangled them atop my hood, but after opening the door and returning for the boxes, the door, sneaky thing, reshut itself and I was left in a predicament. Using one hand, I finally got the door reopened, only for it to slam again of its own accord. Finally got door open and donuts in but realized the front seat is the worst spot for donuts in the entire car. The trunk would be a far better option, but it was too late after all that effort, right? No going back! So I belted them in (Well, what would you have done. really), and they did not explode off, except when I got cut off by a semi-truck (those b******s hate me, I swear to God), but no permanent damage (they aren't so pretty as they once were tho.). As a prize to myself for successfully bringing home the bacon (really?), I got to eat one (shh... oh, wait, she counted and knows ^^****).

I then went to Target to try and procure (once again) Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, a sequel to PL and the Curious Village, which I shan't link on account of laziness, and a puzzle game for the DS (if you don't know what I mean by this, go back to your Nerd 101 class... or read the link... or click on it. many options). But, alas alack! It was out of stock, despite what the internet said (lying internet s.o.b). It appears to be BACK in stock tonight though, which just goes to show that my timing sucks. Majorly. But I can get it tomorrow in the midst of eighty-thousand trillion errands.

I came home and applied for random jobs and watched some Dragon Ball Z: Abridged, which is a parody of the original show. Hilarious but you still get the gist. O.o I forgot that the series was that silly! Go check it out on your own if you want- though it may not be funny to non-DBZ fans.

At some point, I went to get Maynard, the kitty, again. $35 for all that! Cheap cheap! If you're in the area, go to Gail's Grooming at Country Village! If you don't know what that means, then you aren't in the area! Fool! And the ladies went on and on about how sweet my baby was and how he didn't try to turn them into meaty sushi or scream bloody murder. What a good little (and I use that term lightly... 21 lbs... >.<) kitty.

Kitty came home and I tried to do something secret that failed which will result in more clandestine activities tomorrow. Sound exciting? It really isn't, but I have to pique your interest somehow, right! I shall never tell- bwahahahhaha!

I'm too tired to think the rest of the day in detail. Went for a walk with Mom. Watched Bones. Translated ness. Read some of the d***n book (why am I censoring today? Is my grandma reading?). Typed on my OTHER blog (the suspense continues) and typed here. Which you probably know. On account of you're reading it. Right now, in fact... Hi.

Need to shower and get to bed. Sweet sleep, my minions! And by "minions," I mean faithful followers, by which I mean Mom, who is already asleep. Hrm.

Reading: Introducing Cultural Studies, Peter and the Shadow Thieves (book on tape- in car), Esperanza Rising, Water of Elephants- how did this happen?

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