Friday, September 4, 2009

Just a Short Update

Many things happened today. I am hoping that C will detail the happenings of this adventurous day in her own blog, so I can just link you there and not have to recap it all. Shortly spoken, I shall explain that poor C broke her foot at work, so she, baby, and I ("Molly and Me and Baby Makes Three???) went willy-nilly about towns to various health clinics and offices (and by this I mean two doctor-like places and one U-Haul). But she can probably sum the day up better and in a more young adult coming-of-age novel fashion.

Also, kudos for me for finishing the Friday crossword (Seattle Times, not NYT v.v and I had two blanks- but close enough! I'm rounding up.) Speaking of math- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box would not take 2/3 as an answer to one of the puzzle questions- you had to put in 4/6! What kind of math is that? Eh? Eh? Dang, my memory's sharp. Pooh on game-makers for not finding the smallest common denominator.

Or whatever it's called.


Saw Valkyrie with Tom Cruise today (not with him physically... he was in the movie... see what happens when you use ambiguity in writing?). Was FANTASTIC. I was impressed- it felt like half it's length because it was so good. Kenneth Brannaugh was randomly in it (I don't remember him in the marketing campaign- would've seen it sooner just for his beautiful... face). I kept having to remind myself that Hitler wasn't going to die >.< It was THAT good. Artistic with great acting and so much suspense. I am not eloquent tonight.

Been reading new manga series (and by "new," I mean "new to me") from the library. The titles include: Bleach (on vol 9), Naruto (on vol... 6-ish), and Prince of Tennis (vol 3). Just today began One Piece, which is pretty darned amazing. The art reminds me of Mitsuru Adachi- who I LOOOOVE! And it's about PIRATES! I am big into pirates right now- writing a short story with piracy (probably very inaccurate but I'll accurate-ify it later). The characters are CHARMING (I'm also really big into child protagonists right now- like insanely so. It may be an aftereffect of watching all the Avatars so quickly).

Am psyched for Let the Right One In to come in at the library- about a little vampire girl who falls in love with a little boy. But it might all be in his head! The art is AMAZING (click the link above- on the title to see the beauty of it all) and the children are so beautiful. I think it will be great, once I finally see it (which will take for-evuh). The book came in at the library this afternoon right after I was there- grrrr. But I'll get it next week and read it even though I should read bookclub books (Water for Elephants, Killing Time). Am negligent.

Anyway, manga return in topic- Prince of Tennis= 12-year-old-ish boy tennis star, Naruto= 12-year-old-ish ninja-in-training (he's so cute and cocky! I love him! He shouts to a roomful of other ninjas that he's going to be the best! Soo cuuute!), Bleach= SEVENTEEN-y-o whatchamahoozit that kills whatchamahazzits.... hallows! that's what they're called! And he's a soul reaper! Memory= epic.

I'm sure there was more I wanted to talk about, but I need to get to sleep/work on my short story though I should try to sleep. Too much energy. Stupid me, drinking caffeine so late.

Love to you all (not even my mom is reading lately T.T am failure). <3

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