Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Remind me to critique

some of the things I've posted in the last few days.

Some quote from the Blood Moon website (they have some books too):
"I am prepared to believe that the sense of
romance in those of our brothers and
sisters who incline towards love of their
own sex is heightened to a more blazing
pitch than in those who think of
themselves as normal."

Lord Laurence Olivier

"I won't be directed by a fairy!" I have
to work with a real man!"
Clark Gable, snarling about his
then-director, George Cukor,
on the set of
Gone With the Wind.

"All my life, I've spent time with gay men.
Montgomery Clift, Jimmy Dean, Rock
Hudson. There is no gay agenda. It's a
human agenda."

Elizabeth Taylor

"That dykey bitch"

Margaret Sullavan,
talking about
Katharine Hepburn

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