Friday, February 26, 2010

Trans Kid Newspaper Articles

Parents talk about transgender child's transition

"in the wrong body"
"biological girl"
"presenting as a boy"

Depression from "presenting" as a girl. Idea that it is "completely new, completely different" to be transgender. Increasing resources online and off.

They say Andy was happy. They say he was accepted by his younger sister, his friends, his classmates and his school. Andy's Boulder Valley kindergarten through 8th grade school created a unisex bathroom for him and listened to transgender speakers about the reality of living as the opposite biological gender.

Was everyone really so accepting?

Gold Rush Conference
Gender Identity Center of Colorado

Too short... very brief and obvious. Follows the "transgender child" story template.

See Tom Be Jane

"biological male"
mixing of pronouns

"Nichole today dresses, acts, and lives like a girl." -- "acts" "dresses" like a girl-- gender stereotyping!

"Gender Identity Disorder"
-- court case -- MTF child taken away by authorities from parents for trying to enroll her in school as girl.-- OHIO

"Studies show that many [trans kids] end up as gay adults"--- WHAT studies? It would be interesting to seek out and read these, if they exist.
-- edit- (4) mentions communities critique of ONE study done on this subject-- also an article about brains of transgendered individuals having unique characteristics that cannot be "Grown out of"

-- see sources listed in Wiki article

Karen Doering- attorney for National Center for Lesbian Rights

Mark Angelo Cummings- Transman on a Mission
"birth defect" of transgenderism

GID- calling trangenderedness a "disorder."

Philadelphia Trans-health Conference- "How Young is Too Young?"

A Boy's Life

Why do all these articles focus on Barbies and dress up? Are these kinds of articles damaging to non-transgender/non-gay transvestites? How are they contributing to stereotyping along gender lines?

"God made a mistake."
"the 'I' was a girl, often with big red lips, high heels, and a princess dress."
"(natal) son"
"affirmed female" vs. mtf "because how can you be a male-to-female if you really were always a female in your brain?" (7)
"born in the wrong body" catchphrase

Dr. John Money-- gender as a social construction ---- see DAVID REIMER -raised as girl but rebelled against this- was born boy. lived again as male.

what about option of genderlessness? (X: A Fabulous Child's Story)


Norman Spack- "hormonal fix"

puberty/hormone blockers- science as an aspect of trans rights movement. Also-- infertility as an issue. "Reversible"? To what point?

Barbara Walters 20/20 Special with "Jazz"

Trans Health Conference in Philadelphia

J.T Hayes Newsweek

Kenneth Zucker- in Toronto- "specialist"

Is Milton Diamond report on twins published yet?

Study in Nature- 1995

Monkey study- 1988- "masculinize the brains but not the bodies of the female babies"

The "Sissy Boy Syndrome" and the Development of Homosexuality- "we can't tell a pre-gay from a pre-transsexual at 8"

Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders will be updated in 2012- effort to get Gender Identity Disorder off list

transexual identity as easier to accept than homosexuality

the "right clothes"

Notes/Thoughts on all

Christine Jorgenson!
Christine in the Cutting Room - upcoming film by Susan Stryker

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