Monday, August 2, 2010

A Reading Game

Always fun to play.  Here is my game-- I have created it, let no one else take credit!
  1. Go to your nearest public library.
  2. Browse the fiction shelves (conversely, you may choose genred fiction shelves, but they are all put together at my library now) for thin books.
  3. Take home with you any book that is fewer than 150 pages in length.  I would probably put an end to it at about 6 books, because they really do add up in the end.  It also helps to ignore books by authors that are well-known to you (at least for this game).
  4. Read the books!
There aren't really any steady rules-- if another book looks interesting, take that puppy too!  But to count for my game, they must be fewer than 150 pages, by an unknown author, and at the library, on the shelf.  The point really is that, in order to get a book published all by its lonesome that is so short (I am not counting novellas put all together in one binding), one must be quite the wonderful writer. 

I have been thus far very successful with this game, coming up with interesting tales never before touched my more famous pens.  The ones I've come across have also tended to be creepy and a bit dark.  There isn't much time for plot or character development, so you are almost always left wanting more.  But isn't that wonderful as well?  To imagine beyond the confines of the page!

I've just picked up a new batch, so let's see how they go!

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