Friday, October 29, 2010

dream a little dream of me

I actually just have that song in my head.  Anyway, has nothing to do with anything on my mind.

Honestly, there isn't much going on that is interesting.  Busy busy, as usual.  Nanowrimo is coming up (Monday yeek!), so I had better try to get as much done for my PhD apps this weekend as is humanly possible.  Which basically means putting together my statements of purpose (statement of purposes?) from the generic one I made this week, editing writing samples, finalizing my CV, getting my letter of recc info form filled out, doing a research statement, and probably a few other things that I am forgetting.  Basically, I am hoping to get a portion of this done this weekend, and finishing Veteran's Day weekend.

That is the genius plan.

I also need to start writing some more poetry, but I suppose Nano-ing it up doesn't help much in that regard.  I'm planning to do vignettes this year for a sci fi thing.  Easier than going the general fiction route.  Tried to get steam up for a collaborative novel, but people seem to be convinced they are too busy for that even :| 

Well, at least I can go to bed at a decent hour tonight and get up later than usual.  Let's make a to do list- yay!

Finish readings and post for colloquium
Post for BG's class
Write mini-paper "cook book" assignment for BG's class
Write research statements, finish CV, start statement of purpose editing

Read two chapters for human capital group
Meet with DB to plan for facilitation
Edit as many papers are possible

Ugh, I don't want to.  There, I've written it, and now you know.

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