Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stressed Out!

There you have it, I am stressed out. And really, I am too busy to post anything, thus the lame-o post I did IN CLASS (which was a class assignment thing, and for which we were given about 5 minutes). Lordy, I need to get my writing sample together so I can mail it in and have it ready for workshopping and editing at the Writing Center tomorrow.

The "final final" college list has shifted YET AGAIN. UCSB Lit program required a GRE subject test, which means they super look at that shit. It shouldn't be important, and it is important to me that it not be important :)

Also, I have noticed that I seem to curse more the tired-er I am. Oh noes!

In any case, I am getting together two writing samples (got to total 25 pages together for one program, so I'm doing one ten page and one fifteen page). Have my CV more or less together. GRE is Saturday. Then I have to do my statement of purposes. Apps. themselves should probably be done this Sunday come to think of it-- get my letters of recommendation "official requests" out with a few months before they're due. Oy!

A few other things to get together. My MFA writing samples, for one. Have some poetry editing to do. I should probably send my edits to J as well, who is my advisor. Also, I think I need to do some research statements, and a few random other stuff. Need to do a general statement about having a disability and it affecting GRE scores. Ugh.

Plus, I need to update my capstone proposal, write an autoethnographic paper, do another auto paper on the GRE, get some more poetry written toward my chapbook, and do more than one collab project, because I really just can't say no to a good collab.

Shoot, I also need to call all the admissions counselors for the programs to see if they have any suggestions. Ugh, putting it off 'til next week. Then, if I find out the GRE is important and my score is uber crap, I can end up not applying. Bother.

So anyway, I am stressed.

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