Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Need to Start Daily Blogging Again

So that when I create my genius autobiography, I'll need only look back, cut, and paste. Huzzah.

So I'm going to leave this auto-saving little baby open on the side whilst I screw around online, etc. (ah, abuse of grammar is a fun pastime). Yohoho! Puzzle Pirating is early on the agenda because I am exhausted from running around being nearly late all day. The first bus this morning broke down, which simply has never happened to me before (well, except once... but they fixed it or something because it didn't take long for us to be back on the road) and I had to skedoodle off to another bus when it stopped to save us castaways, which took me to the UW instead of downtown Seattle (I knew it getting on, but, le sigh, I didn't realize how crappy the bus schedule is in that area that time of day... which is just weird, given the number of bus commuters at colleges). Then I took the 49 to Seattle Central CC but the bridge was up or something so we went crazy slow and then there was traffic up the wazoo because some sort of celebration was going on on the SCCC campus. I got a free energy drink out of it. Which I had to carry in my backpack all day. But at least it didn't explode- yay. What am I going to do with it? 44g of carbs, 43g sugar in 12 fl oz. How do they cram so much badness in so little liquid? Liquidy sugar....

So, anyway, I had to print things when I got to school before classes (i.e. homework) but I didn't have time to get food-ness (which was the anti-starvation plan) or get my new bus pass (which'll cost me $2.50 cash on Monday ew...). I did manage to get to class on time(ish) though, so that was yay-ey. Except our teacher had us go on tangents talking about potato sacks and coins, which seemed okay because it made class go by faster except that then she said we were behind (but she led us to be that way...) and says we might have to add a class day (which my PHIL teacher did yesterday- can they do that?!?!??!). Bummer.

And after class I had to run run run to the Central Cinema on 21st and Union (and call mommy to get directions b/c I had not enough time to look it up), picking up a sandwich on the way, and all this because my class did not wait for me at the shiney fountain! Oy, restart. Sentence failure. So, we were meant to meet as a class at the shiney pool in front of the chapel at 1:30 but my class didn't get out 'til 1:35 (but neither did the prof!) so I grabbed a sandwich on the way but when I got there, there was no class (people, not quality). So, I didn't know where to go so called mommy to get directions and ran to the theatre and got there just in time. Yay.

I saw some of the Beyond Good Intentions videos with a bunch of Human Rights people (Global Washington was sponsoring) and there was commentary after each vid (there like ten minutes each) by the director and feedback from the audience. Central Cinema's crazy- every seat has a desk and they serve you food and/or/nor drink. Anyway, a lot of people were kinda rude to the lady and it kinda turned into a pissing contest. Negative yay.

Then luck struck- huzzah! I got a ride with a gal in class to the ID and caught the 522 (just in time- favorite). Ate my sandwich on the bus then did crosswords (got farther than usual for a Thursday). Came home and watched The Guild some. It is a funny web-short series about MMORPGs and guilds. Felicia Day is a goddess.

And now will laze about playing Puzzle Pirates as is destined. Ta-ta.


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