Sunday, May 31, 2009

Song Stuck in My Brain

This song is stuck in my head:

I heard it on 's forum... because there's randomly a radio-type thing there. I think anyone can upload a song to the radio. Isn't that nifty? I should try but I think all of my files are all legal... and stuff. Wha? ("Go to bed" shouts the peanut gallery).


Tell me where you've been to, point me to the door
I've seen you around but I really can't be sure
And all the hatchet men are busy climbing up the wall
Banging on the window tearing down the hall

And the last chance girl in a first dance swirl
Leans her head down on the wooden floor
Won't be dancing anymore

And where do they go when the thrills have gone?
And the last song plays down at babylon
Five hundred kids shout what's the deal?
It's a very confusing way to feel

The radio is silent except for wicked bands
Sounding like the last one always in demand
And now the city is off limits to everyone in blue
Nothings getting in there no one's getting through

And it's no surprise when the last light dies
And the girl upon the wooden floor
Won't be dancing anymore

And where do they go when the thrills have gone?
And the last song plays down at babylon
Five hundred kids shout what's the deal?
It's a very confusing way to feel

I'm not sure I get the meaning, come to think of it. I edited the lyrics for grammar a bit (er, I mean I added commas and fixed misspells). But not much. Ignore the ickiness.

Saw Duplicity today. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet- it wasn't as funny as I expected but it certainly wasn't not funny. Whoa, double neg. I can feel the grammar police coming to bring me in to the station in a paddy wagon. Ew. Anyway, Clive Owen (Owens?) was a lot more attractive than usual. Perhaps it was his awesome suits. Speaking of suits, Michael's yellow suit totally made an appearance in season two, part two, btw. I think I forgot to mention it, despite the excitingness of its resurface. Burn Notice season three starts this Thursday! Who else is peeing their pants about it? (Just me? How embarrassing....)

Gave in to temptation and am now a Twitter member. But I just follow three people (Nathan Fillion, Felicia Day, and Jeffrey Donovan... oh crap, I'm following Eliza Dushku as well. Durn, I'm a nerd). And I don't get cell phone updates or update my own stat. So, basically, I'm still cool (is what I'm trying to say.) You believe me, right?

OH (and now I re-nerd-ify myself) I got Legendary standing in Puzzle Pirates for Shipwrightery. Here is the link to the Puzzle Standings article that explains how that makes me awesome and amazing (but only in a virtual, non-real way v.v). I'm one level away from Ultimate, which is the highest that is attainable. Alas, if only this were a pirating puzzle instead of a crafting one. What sort of pirate am I, anyway, to be good at a shop job but terrible at rumbling (fighting with my fisticuffs)? Also, I re-outfitted myself to be all Link-like in Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Don't I look like an elf?

And, a poem, that attempts to read like I write my blog O.o whoa...

Each and every time you deem to stumble
And haphazardly sweep into my sideways-leaning so-called life
With those tangled, blushing strings of permed-in curls entangling
And springing into crazy animation while snaking nimble-like
A leaping, split-tongued beast-ruler of gaze and gaze and gaze and gaze
Making the breast-bound pumping apparatus attempt auto-liberation
So that it’s now tripping down and lower, crashing into that bouncy wiry net
Inexplicably and most intricately twined to those menstrual-looking locks
And thusly, very strangely, every stuttered, muttered, breathy syllable
Fashions itself into a metaphor (a horrid attempt) for you or us or me all by myself
When I’m ditched and road-splattered and illegal hitchhiking on the side of I-5
Contemplating road kill-icide, overwhelmed, border-line spontaneous combusting
I see a self-aware nimble nimbus cloud making sweet (but silly) wishes
To one day, someday, maybe today, but never ever yesterday
Metamorphose all Kafka-novel-esque into a happy-as-can-be forecast
Of sunny summer smiling child-runs-around laughing days
When we can ride the merry-go-round and the Ferris Wheel and
Zombie-watch the amateurs who eat far too much (blue?) cotton candy
And dream in a wildly whimsical youngster fashion of vampirical forever
That could only last a little and will wilting/wither rose-like
One week, seven days, some number of hours and seconds and minutes
Each and every single time you willy-nilly stumble back into my life
Every tragic time.


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