Monday, May 11, 2009

*Post 300!*

Maybe I'm un-cooling myself by celebrating these nesses. But it's such a nice, even number. Right? (And yes, please enjoy the way I managed to turn one sentence into three).

So, I haven't told you yet (you?) but I did get to see Carrie Fisher-- hurrah for Friday tickets. She was quite hilarious, though her voice was marred by smoking (not just tobacco....). Here is a brief clip illegally put up on YouTube (if you are viewing this on a day far from when it was posted, then I am sorry if the link has been taken down):

I'm sorry for the crap quality. Hrm. Not the funniest clip, but the show was quite hilarious in general. You will just have to take my word for it, or see her perform at another venue (I believe she's heading to Broadway).

In other news, let's us all word to get The Mentalist, Castle, and Doll House renewed for second seasons. I'm pretty positive The Mentalist is going to a second season, since it's consistently been in the top ten, and peaked at the number one slot (congrats!). But Castle is kind of on the line between making it and not (panic!) yet it has been doing better lately- here's hoping! Doll House Doll House Doll House... I can't figure out how well it's doing, but it has no where near the viewership of the other two shows- however, it does have the unattractive 9PM Friday night slot (this slot is randomly desirable for cable but not for network- why??? BTW, that is the same as Monk's time slot on cable, which is the basis of my thinking this..... I need to revamp my words).

The Dollhouse (I made it two words, but it's not... so, we'll just slip it in correctly now) finale was pretty durned great. There have been so many twists- it's amazing! I'm super excited about the release on DVD. The second half was so well written and well-acted (see, I learn, but I don't edit). ^____^ I want to see the Felicia Day episode on the DVD (it was cut....).

My phil presentation went pretty well- people laughed (um, I was making jokes.... it worked?). Our professor called our presentation "outstanding" so I think that's good? Right? Well, we'll see. I only had to do the one- so I must focus on the paper now! Hurrah, no class on the 20th!

But I have another presentation tomorrow... I think it'll be okay? I need to put the finish touches on it tomorrow morning. I want to go to bed now. Sleepy sleepy.

But I'm too excited about the new season of Burn Notice! Eeeeeek! ....

Oh, and I finished the last Percy Jackson book- the Last Olympian. I liked it a lot- great action all the way through, but the end didn't feel endy enough, y'know? But it does make me want to work on my Children's Fantasy (caps?) novel. I'm so close to the end! And yet! So far! Wah!


R: The Graveyard Book- Neil Gaiman


Caity Baby said...

I'm really glad to read about your philosophy presentation. Knew it was going to go well ^_^. You forgot one other show besides those three that needs to have a second season. Eleventh Hour. AmaaAAaazing show. Must continue! And The Mentalist is just great so it must stick around...

Amanda Martin Sandino said...

I have never seen Eleventh Hour... Hrm...