Wednesday, May 6, 2009

*Stressed Out, Yow!.... Yeow! How the devil do you spell it....*

Anyway, must go see Sandra Cisneros tomorrow night instead of Carrie Fisher (come on, who has a gold bikini fantasy about Sandra Cisneros? Blub blub...). Also seeing Helena Maria Viramontes, which means I can add both Chicanas to my list of "famous people I've been in the same room with" list.... but I'm not sure if I really can, because if you haven't heard of them, are they really famous? Have YOU heard of them? I've read them, but only in this class. Carrie Fisher is definitely a celeb. Gold bikini or no gold bikini....


Anyway, what else? Neck pain is awful because I'm stressed and working more than usual (except not so much today... I have a lot of Friday wide open, it is crazy... wait, do I have a play? Oh, no, I left it open so that I COULD work on school work- brilliant me... end rant). Academic conference and all. 20 minute presentation.... I hope no one comes >.< oh, except you mom! That would be okay, I think. I don't want any of my profs to come see me make a fool of myself. Plus, I reread the creative writing piece, and it's depressing. But L said it was good back when I wrote it, so I must be confident. 自信にいります! I need confidence... OR an earthquake... oh, except it's in kanji, so definitely confidence and not earthquake.

I want to Twitter now (or is it Tweet if you're just following?) because Jeffrey Donovan is on Twitter and apparently, just looking at him makes me happy. And his posts are not very eloquent, which makes them seem more authentic. Plus he uses smiley faces, which are just cheery. ^.^ <---ex.

I want to write a collection of short stories about less-famous Greek gods/heroes/characters. Okay, so maybe I am inspired by the final Percy Jackson and the Olympians book, but I could really see writing about:
Selene and Endymion (okay, that one might go back to Sailor Moon... ah, I'm so cool I forget)
Calypso (a sea nymph stuck on an island :( )
.... ok, so I got two...

That's not so many.... In other news (?) there is now a CAST LIST on IMDB for Percy Jackson and the Olympians the movie!!! AND it includes Uma Thurman, Catherine Keener, the always-sexy Pierce Brosnan, and Sean Bean! Wee! And Disney owns the rights, and they've got deep pockets for awesome effects (and I shall expel Prince Caspian from my mind).

I really felt like I had a lot more to say. I think I'm going to post my philosophy notes up here for you soon (my paper/presentation/going to get me an F- notes) so you can see why I am not happy with the whole philosophy-learning thing (though my teacher has a happy aura that makes him great to be around. I smile back and nod and think about the Percy Jackson movie and wish that Jeffrey Donovan was in it, effectively mixing two of the greatest mind-subjects).

OH! I did have more to talk about:

I think this video is sending negative vibes out there, but I'm posting it, and be warned of expletives:

I think that by cussing out those who spread hate, these people are spreading more hate, which is weird because the message is meant to be "anti-hate" right? Also, Lily Allen's song has the same weird hypocritical thing going on, though it is mighty catchy. I hate hate too, but let's love the hater, hate the hate! Right? Hating people spreads negativity! So if you're anti-hate toward people, don't make angry vids... it just spreads the anger further v.v

This vid on the other hand:

Isn't really a vid, but this song is haunting me. I was playing it on the piano, and I'd never heard it before- it "revealed itself to me" (v. Phil-y.... not the Penn one...) and this version is the prettiest on YouTube. It makes me cry, it is so beautiful. Sigh!

<3 to you all (not hate, silly collab-ers).... even the prof who's making me miss gold bikini ma'am. (but less than to everyone else, and a little extra for Carrie Fisher, who must perform without my positive vibes in the audience.)

Edit: Keeping track of the interesting minor-god myths:
Selene and Endymion
Thetis (a minor sea goddess and the mother of Achilles)
Hestia (goddess of the hearth)
Antaeus (titan? unbeatable only if his feet stayed on the ground)

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