Tuesday, May 12, 2009

There's a Spider in My Car

I forgot when I got out to check and make sure it isn't some poisonous kind. So, it's probably full of toxins and is just waiting for tomorrow morning to attack and kill me. Making plans. Staking out the best position for an ambush. Hrm.

I first saw the little devil on my drive back from the park and ride. He was slithering up my windshield, stalking me like a lion. He went slow, then fast, then stopped, then fast, then stopped, then slow slow slow until he was practically two inches from where he began his spidery voyage. It was terrifying.

Yes, you remember correctly. I am not afraid of spiders. Except when they jump on me or distract me from driving. Actually, I wasn't terribly terrified at the time, to be perfectly honest (I am manly that way), but I looked up poisonous spiders that live in this area when I got home, and I think it looked like this:

Which is the brown recluse... and the spider was the right size. OMG, I am going to die tomorrow. Please recall that I want all my possessions donated to the Sci Fi Museum and please burry me in the middle of the desert in the nude.

Lies lies lies. Don't really do that...

But I will worry when I enter my car tomorrow. Yeek.


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