Saturday, January 22, 2011


I've had quite a shift in my calendar situation the past few years.  Seriously.  It's annoying.  They suddenly stopped producing some of the calendars I'd grown accustomed to hanging on my walls.  Which is just irritating.

This year, I've got a Georgia O'Keeffe and an African American art calendar (two separate calendars... not one wildly themed one).  So far, I'm quite enjoying them.  Well, maybe not so much the African American art one actually, on account of January picturing a young lad who appears to be Jesus.  Maybe the lad isn't him, but he sure appears to be from this distance.  So I feel like Jesus is all staring me down and making me feel guilty when I'm in bed.  Which makes for a boring bed.  Just saying...

Last year, I had two pretty boring calendars.  One was this random artist's drawings of fairies, which was sometimes fun, but all very similar.  The other was old pictures of France.  I don't know why I got it, but it probably had a lot to do with it being super cheap.  But why would I want to look at old pictures of Paris?  I'm not much of a francophile.  Not that I dislike Paris or anything, it's just, you know, not a place I am particularly attached to emotionally. Really, I don't think I like many place pictures period.  Three p's.  That's alliteration that is.

The past three years before that, I got a Little Prince calendar along with some sort of Edward Gorey calendar.  Neither seems to have been printed this year.  What is up with that?

So, what calendars do you all have?  Any good ones?

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