Thursday, January 6, 2011

Number of Posts

I need to try to write more this year- jeez.  Lookit those stats at the left there.  Every year, I seem to post less and less.  Of course, 2008-2009 I was in Japan and posting so folks knew what I was up to, and I was sightseeing a lot so there was actually a point in posting.  But still...

What to post about? 

Conferences?  Sounds good.

I just got in to the Women Who Rock Conference at Seattle U and UW (cosponsored).  Here is the description:

Get ready for the "The Women Who Rock Conference"!

If you are interested Call for Session Proposals
Deadline: November 30, 2010
Submit your session proposals by November 30, 2010. Proposals should be 500 words or less and include a description of the session format. Please also include a 50-word biography.

Send proposals for sessions to
Group and individual proposals or performances will be considered.

Questions? Contact Quetzal Flores,

Conference registration at:

UW's address : 1959 Northeast Pacific Street

SU's address is:
900 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98104

-- P and I are presenting/facilitating on women of color in Seattle's musical theatre scene.  The event is really coming up quick- February 17 and 18!

Then in March there is the big Cultural Studies Association Conference in Chicago at Columbia College.  Here is that description:

The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) invites participation in its ninth annual conference. The theme of this year’s conference, New Directions in Cultural Studies, encourages the submission of proposals that reflect on the past(s) and present(s) of the field of cultural studies and endeavor to lay the groundwork of its future(s).
Illinois 24-26 March, 2011
Deadline for Proposals: 17 September 2010
-- D and I are presenting on House M.D. and presentations of pain and opiate therapies.  This is a pretty huge conference- the biggest CS conference in the U.S.  Kinda stoked.

The Pacific Rim International Conference (Pac Rim) on Disabilities has been widely recognized over the past 25 years as one of the most “diverse gatherings” in the world. The event encourages and respects voices from “diverse” perspective across numerous areas, including: voices from persons representing all disability areas; experiences of family members and supporters across all disability areas; responsiveness to diverse cultural and language differences; evidence of researchers and academics studying disability; stories of persons providing powerful lessons; examples of program providers, natural supports and allies of persons with disabilities and; action plans to meet human and social needs in a globalized world.

Each year the conference hews to its traditional areas which have bred much of the interdisciplinary research and educational advances of the last three decades. But each year new topics are introduced to foment discussion and change. The intent is to harness the tremendous synergy as generated by the intermingling of these diverse perspectives, thus, creating a powerful program which impacts each individual participant in his or her own unique way.

-- D and I are presenting basically the same paper as at the CSA Conference, though I expect we'll have some edits by then.

... yeah, that's all I got.  Most of it was copied and pasted too.  Lame.

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