Thursday, January 13, 2011

Super stressed out!

I am super stressed out.  About something I really don't need to be worrying over.  But still, knowing that doesn't make me worry any less.

For the second time, I am involved in a student aspect for a hiring thing.  I am being purposefully abstract.  I've always been pretty panicky about what I can/cannot say out to the world, but now I'm more than panicky, I'm paranoid.

Anyway, so this hiringy thing for some college or something somewhere or maybe not.  Basically, one of the students in the group asked a question that is technically illegal.  And the candidate called him or her out on it, and then kinda lectured us all. 

Then we get three emails from higher-ups involved in the process reminding us what we can and cannot ask candidates.  They were pretty polite, but still.  I am feeling pretty awful.  Sure, I wasn't the one who asked the question and the person who did ask really meant no harm, but I'm stressing over it anyway.

Mostly, the thing is, that the candidate was really scary.  After the question was asked, s/he still acted pretty nice but was also very preachy and went on and on about why it was important not to ask certain questions.

Then this person also gave a story about someone at hir (his or her) old university where a white male married candidate couldn't get a job (for like two years).  He eventually pretended to be gay (I guess acted stereotypically "gay" and hinted at a gay club nearby) and got hired.  When the folks called to hire him, a child answered, and when they talked to the guy, they could hear his wife happily crying in the background.  But the thing was, our candidate mentioned how weird they thought it was to hear a child.  I don't understand- is the implication that gay folks can't have kids?

Anyway, the whole thing was so uncomfortable, I'm sure it affected at least the poor person who asked the question's views on this candidate.  But to be more honest, I am more worried that all the important people involved (not that students aren't important people... I'm just trying to be discrete and simultaneously burying myself into a rhetorically problematic hole) will think I was the one who asked and think I'm a maroon.  Which is a nice way of saying "moron."  Not that the person who did ask is a dolt or anything. 


See how insane my logic is?  Anyway, I'm worried.  And there's not much to be done about it.


Anonymous said...

I'm a professor. Based on what you say, I'd be surprised if you personally are in trouble, nor do I think the student who asked the question is going to be in further trouble. Faculty will figure that the mortification s/he has endured so far is punishment enough!

(And what a story about the guy pretending to be gay...)

Amanda Martin Sandino said...

Thank you for your kind comments :) Yes, I do not feel in trouble much. Just feel that I have been a bit of a disappointment in this regard. Thanks again for your kindness.