Monday, January 17, 2011

Need to find a new children's book series

Hm. I am on the search for a new children's book series to read. And by "new" I don't mean chronologically, but unknown to me at the moment \(^o^)/

The problem is, I've been reading the How to Train Your Dragon series and the Series of Unfortunate Events but have hit that point when the books are no longer available used except through or other online used book sites.  They must be paperback so I can break the spines as I read while working out-- hardcover books will not stay open on the stands!  And while I'd be willing to pay for new paperback books, provided they were less than $5, it seems that the same books that are hard to find used are hard to find in paperback, even when published!

I thought about doing a big ol' Facebook post asking for suggestions, but really I don't want more people telling me to read His Dark Materials.  I hated The Golden Compass.  Having your soul animal ripped apart is just scary and there is way too much war. 

So, I've just finished wandering through the book shelves, and have found first books from a few series that I shall at least try.  They include:

A Wrinkle in Time- Madeline L'Engle-- I read this series a long while ago.  Tried to read it a few years back via book on tape, but they were read by the author, who has a lisp.  ...I am a lot less shallow in non-entertainment contexts...  Anyway, she was a rotten reader.  I will try reading the thing via book this time

Fablehaven- Brandon Mull-- My mom got me the first book a while back.  I couldn't get into it last time I tried, but am feeling more optimistic this time!  I do like the holographic cover...

Ramona series- Beverly Cleary-- I've actually got Ramona the Pest which isn't the first one, but I do remember her general background pretty well from being a kid :)  Let's see if I still like her!

Little House on the Prairie- Laura Ingalls Wilder-- I hate this series.  I mean... hated this series.  I don't see it going past the one book, because I really disliked everything about the films, books, and tv series as a youngster.  I haven't gotten that much older that I'd change so much.  But I did like playing Oregon Trail as a kid >.<

Magyk- Septimus Heap-- Not sure when I bought this book, but they are always pretty cheap.  New books always come out in paperback versus hardcover- hurrah!

The Mysterious Benedict Society- Trenton Lee Stewart-- My mom thinks I'd like this series.  About smart/nerdy kids.  I suppose I will relate?  Being a nerdy kid myself.

Anyway, I am now waiting a few books coming out in paperback.  Here is my mini-list:

Series of Unfortunate Events:
The Grim Grotto
The Penultimate Peril
The End

How To Train Your Dragon
How to Ride a Dragon's Storm (2008) (in paperback U.S.- June 7th)
How to Break a Dragon's Heart (2009) (?)
How to Steal a Dragon's Sword (2011) (?)

Wish me luck! I may run to Half Price Books to try and find some more used copies for Unfortunate Events!


a said...

Children's books? The Dark is Rising series, by Susan Cooper?

Amanda Martin Sandino said...

Good suggestion- I will try the first one :)