Monday, January 24, 2011

Stress Makes Me Mean!

Ugh, I know it is one thing to think mean thoughts and another to think and then say mean thoughts, but man was I grumpy at the gym today.  That sentence made a lot more sense in my head.

Anyway, as many of you probably know, gyms are seriously overcrowded in January until maybe halfway through February as a result of New Year's Resolutions.  I'm sure I've noted it elsewhere on this blog, but I don't do New Year's Resolutions, because the solar/Gregorian new year (and the lunar one come to that) is based on a rotation, like a lap around a field.  While a running track may have a mapped out start point, the stars and whatnot have no such thing.  Therefore, calling January 1st the New Year is really just derived from nothing (or a celebration of Janus, if you want to believe the Wiki), because there is no real stopping or ending point to an arbitrary circular path.  Everyday is the day of a new year, because it has been a year since that day the previous year.

End segue.  So, anyway, it has been crazy busy at the gym.  Luckily, I get off work at 3:30, so usually I'm at the gym before the biggest crowds (i.e. before 5:00).  But today, when I got to the gym at around 4:00, it was pretty packed.  I got on the stationary bike and did that for a half hour, because I wanted to do another machine as well.  But, alas!, every single machine in the place was being used.  No joke.

I was pretty durned grumpy.  Mostly because I had a particularly stressful day and it will be a busy and nerve-racking week.  I should hear from UC Davis Cultural Studies PhD program this week (or next, if they are running late).  While I know that getting rejected wouldn't be personal, I also know that I tend to take stupid things personally.  It is annoying how difficult it is to meld beliefs with feelings.  When I am stressed, I like to work out longer.  So I was irritated. 

Particularly at the New Years worker outers.  While I really should be hoping that they stick with it as a general group, because it is good for them and all, I really just want them to leave so I can have free reign over the machines again. 

Obviously should take up jogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I concur! m