Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, I had the thing on Friday-- the awards ceremony. For beating the other guy for the Asian Studies award (Albert Mann Award). Hrm. So, they called my name for a "National Award", the JASSO, which is international, but did not call me for the Albert Mann Award... which is the one that actually gets you on stage to receive your pretty medal. V. embarrassing but more for them than for me?

So, I tried to have gumption (I am woman hear me roar but only once a month...) and went up to get my durned medal. Apologies, etc. But I dooo have my damn medal and I wore it this morning for graduation.

...which was today. Tralala. Very boring. I met up with a gal I met in my Human Rights Leadership class, so that was nice. I should update this later to make it less boring....

this is all for the moment then

Updated 6/16

You couldn't really hear much at graduation because the feedback was CRAZY. You could hear the echo like a second or two after the actual speaking, so it was impossible to tell what anyone was saying. The only things I really heard were "Obama," "village, "Seattle U," and "revolution." What can it mean?

Went to Kidd Valley afterward as a major treat but, alas alack, sweetness and saltiness is never as good as you remember it being. Freeing myself from my diet for a few days wasn't as liberating as I'd hoped. I think maybe the fact that it's only for a few days kinda casts a shadow over the whole thing. Or maybe food is just food and isn't ambrosia. Sigh!

The party on Saturday was pretty great but I think I drank a wee bit too much. Everyone kept bringing wine! Which meant that I was really sleepy all day on Sunday, throughout the ceremony and afterward. Everyone was extremely generous with gifts- thank you!

Also got a new kitty on Saturday (see how non-chronological this is? What is wrong with my crazy brain?). He is named Seeley-Booth, after Seeley Booth, the foxy detective.

Seeley Booth:


I think that's about all... sorry for the crappy writing. I can't sleep because Seeley is up at all hours (and stuck in my room for now) attacking things! Eeeeek!


P.S. finished Jekyll and Hyde, which was pretty predictable if you know ANYTHING about the story at all. Now reading (sorta... haven't much started) Edwin Drood by Dickens. Wish me luck!

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