Thursday, June 4, 2009

Post Before Midnight- Gyah!


I think I got it in before midnight, though now I am editing for content (i.e. for there to be any content at all O.o). Really ought to be going to bed but randomly attacked by midnight-ish nausea of an insomnia-causing variety. Hurrah for useless skills?

Feeling bad about being mean to prof in previous posts. I met with her on campus, outside of class today and she was really really nice. I think it's hard to know people when you just see them in class. She even offered to read my book/s and give a more discriminating opinion/advice on how to de-crap-ify it/them (maybe I need to be more literary in my blog posts; I've been reading random others online and they seem far more academic in nature). It would be pretty durned great if something could be done to mountain-ify those mole hills of novels that I spat out in a series of gasps over the course of a few Novembers. Ah, ugly metaphor.

The ballet was surprisingly good, though we left at "half-time." It was three acts of different ballets so we saw the first in its entirety and it was cute- a bit funny. I will come up with the name-- Dances at a Gathering. Music was random piano pieces by Chopin (have now reached daily quota on word "random" and will dismiss it from further written monologue)- very pretty.

Here is a crazy happenstanceful video from YouTube on that piece:

Notice how I cleverly avoided use of the word "random." True genius, am I. And Yoda, apparently.

Do not have class on Tuesday now and am uber excited to be done done done on Monday improv dance party wah! (but you can't see it... and I'm... really not dancing... feeling a bit deceitful...). Must write two papes this weekend (did anyone else see Newsies- "papes" for "papers" as in "newspaper" ought to work for "papes" for "papers" as in "research papers" too, right? My logic is amazing? Not so much?). Not thrilled about pape writing but will be done done done. Of necessity.

Poor waitress at Zeena's (there's actually nothing on their site yet...) on Capital Hill was having a bad day. Which is sad, because that's where I go when I'm having a not-so-great day (I had blood work done AGAIN and my arm is bruis-ed AGAIN). I ordered a veggie sandwich, which (ha) comes with avocados as a main ingredient, but they were out and I guess the kitchen said it ought to be okay for the customer anyway (i.e. ME) and not to charge less or anything. But the nice waitress (I should say "female waiter," it's less discriminating acc. Prof. Boyd-- did anyone read that post?) thought that it "wasn't okay" (I said "that's okay" and such is how she responded) and that she'd pay for my sandwich. AND these crazy ladies across the way asked for the manager to complain about the slow service because it had taken a whole FIVE MINUTES to get their food (horror of horrors!). Glaciers, poor waitress (female waiter...). So I tipped the difference of the sandwich cost plus 25%. I hope that it made her day ^_^ (esp since mommy paid for it..... I think I'm her proxy do-good-er. do-gooder.. how the devil does that get spelled anywho's?).

I have to write more because everyone else apparently writes long long long entries (thusly, I repeat things three times to add length not for emphasis). But I want to go to bed. Can I think of anything else that happened to day worthy of note?

We watched these music videos in Human Rights Leadership (last day!):

Diamond Sierra Leone- Kanye West (stupid "embedding disabled by request" gr)


I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) by Fall Out Boy

Apparently both bands are owned by Universal who doesn't allow embedding (that.. which... ?). But anyway, the presentation was on child soldiers and he showed these music videos. Must remember to return comic book to him on Monday (via his workplace. DO NOT FORGET. I should write this down somewhere less electronicky.) Interesting vids? Did you even watch them? Linkage is roughage, I understand.

Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (this day forward, referred to just as Oscar... unless I mention Stalone) is going along swimmingly. I love that Oscar's a nerd in all the ways that I am but amplified. It makes me feel cool and less nerdy all at the same time (not synonymous, oh punk). This (lack of info-ness) is why I do not do reviews on Facebook or Amazon. Am complete and utter failure, but at least didn't spell it udder. Thank the goodnessess.


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