Wednesday, July 21, 2010

short short short story

Short short short stories, I mean.  Ten words or fewer.  I always wish I could do it adeptly, thinking on the effectiveness of Hemingway's For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

Looking about for this exact short short short story, I came upon an interesting post from Wired, which included stories in six words or fewer.  Here, I include my favorites, with a strong recommendation that you go see the Wired article.  (by the by, I want to say, but they say wired quite distinctly on their page.  So perhaps I've been confused all these years.)

Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so.
- Joss Whedon

Automobile warranty expires. So does engine.
- Stan Lee

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.
- Margaret Atwood

Epitaph: Foolish humans, never escaped Earth.
- Vernor Vinge

It cost too much, staying human.
- Bruce Sterling

I’m your future, child. Don’t cry.
- Stephen Baxter

- Harry Harrison

K.I.A. Baghdad, Aged 18 - Closed Casket
- Richard K. Morgan

Batman Sues Batsignal: Demands Trademark Royalties.
- Cory Doctorow

Nevertheless, he tried a third time.
- James P. Blaylock

Three to Iraq. One came back.
- Graeme Gibson

Dinosaurs return. Want their oil back.
- David Brin

Deadline postponed. Five words enough...?
- David Brin

Clones demand rights: second Emancipation Proclamation.
- Paul Di Filippo

Corpse parts missing. Doctor buys yacht.
- Margaret Atwood

Starlet sex scandal. Giant squid involved.
- Margaret Atwood

He read his obituary with confusion.
- Steven Meretzky

Steve ignores editor's word limit and
- Steven Meretzky

Leia: "Baby's yours." Luke: "Bad news…"
- Steven Meretzky

By the way, it's funny, but Berger's sticky note from Sex in the City ALMOST works:

I'm sorry, I can't.  Don't hate me.

Anyway, so I've been thinking about short short short stories a lot, and have been slaving to write my own.  I gave myself a ten word limit though, so I guess I'll have to... edit?

Bad attempts-

Dear Ellie,
Love forever,

She sighed as it re-began again.

Wanted: vampire bite.  Soon.

...  I guess I'll have to work at it more-- come up with some later!



Anonymous said...

Very nice Short Story share, i like it.

Desi Stories online , Short Stories online

Elizabeth said...

An attempt, as per my assignment:

Heartbeats, quiet! He might hear you...

Elizabeth said...

That actually came out kinda romantic....when I wrote it though I was thinking of that terrified feeling where you're hiding from someone.

Elizabeth said...

I'll post some more in a bit. These are hard to do without soundy corny or falling flat