Friday, July 23, 2010

Skirt - Other lengths

Oops.  Apparently, for the assignment, we were supposed to go from a long free write to a long poem to a short poem.  I just kinda wrote a long-ish poem.  (So I went back and pretended it came from something longer- sh!)  Anyway, I kinda like the prose piece.  Not sure about the short piece ^^*

1. Prose

A Beauty Marred

Oh, skirt, I remember when you were new, so lovely, so perfectly fitting, and so affordable. I think, even on a student’s budget, I would have brought you home, put you on my credit card, bought you at full price. You were such a delight, dancing across the irises, catching the sun and shimmering, softly gracing the thigh with your silken touch. Your swish sang out in a sweet soprano, reminding me of Spain, the grandmother land, skirt. You said vulve and almost sent me across the Atlantic. Another month would have been enough, regardless of so many deterents.

Skirt, you supported me, for one glorious year you were my self-esteem. I wore you, and because you were special, more than special, because you were exalted and desired by all fortunate to see and hear and feel your soft cloth, I felt exalted and desired. Together, we would be young and beautiful forever.

But, my wonderful skirt, my beautiful, perfect skirt, I blew it. I single-handedly dimmed out looking straight at the sun future. I was too trusting, and my naïveté was your ruin. With one spin cycle, I spun your saffron, sanguine, sepia shades into the most horrible salmon color that ever disgraced a piece of fabric. You bled out, your lifeblood escaping so quickly. If only we’d had more time! I held you, and the world around me blurred into non-existence, what had been full of kindergarten reds and yellows and blues.

And now? And now an amethyst remembrance is all I own.

2. Longer Poem (secretly original)

Amanda Martin Sandino

skirt sitting sadly in swollen sack skirt
skirt stuffed aside inside the closet skirt
skirt stitched with strands of stunning somethings skirt
skirt sprinting splendid across iris skirt
skirt sixty-percent off sold at first sight skirt

skirt stained by someone's careless mistake skirt
skirt specked with salmon-colored smudges skirt

skirt, still skirt, spoiled, worthless, useless skirt
skirt so treasured, such an exalted skirt
skirt showy, a self-esteem building skirt
skirt so pleasing, Spanish-spun design skirt
skirt sweet memories of summer days skirt
skirt swishing softly in the spring breeze skirt

skirt, it wasn't someone else's fault, skirt
skirt such slanderous wash instructions skirt
skirt machine-soaked on a cold setting skirt
skirt safflowers spin-cycled to smear skirt

skirt unreplaced by Nordstrom’s customer service skirt
skirt absent from so many store stocks and store racks skirt
skirt sitting sadly in swollen sack skirt
skirt stuffed aside inside the closet skirt
skirt safe sepulchered in my closet skirt

3. Short poem (9 line limit)

A beauty marred




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