Saturday, September 20, 2008

So, Everyone is Very Boring

And wouldn't go with me to Tokyo. Thus, I had no choice but to walk around and take photos for a few hours, until it started getting dark. And I was getting very tired. Apparently, there is a department store pretty close by, so I'll try to go there if I get a chance. I'm too tired to go back out today, even though it's only 5:30. It's hard to stay awake in the evening! It is very early in the morning today in Seattle...

In any case, that is why I took so many pictures. I'll just post five for now. I might post some more later. Apparently, I only am posting rural shots, and my mosquitoed leg.

My leg is so bitten up by mosquitoes. I was going to go to the store to ask for mosquito repellant, but I got to exhausted after walking around for so long. I think that I only had a few bites this morning, but now I have like six. If I get West Nile or malaria or some other mosqitoey disease, just pretend I had the bug block on, and it randomly failed.

I couldn't really capture this image correctly. The clouds just look like some kid drew them on the sky, and then threw a bunch of glitter on the lining. It literally looks like this cloud has a silver lining. You might not be able to see it very well, but it was beautiful.

This is a statue I saw by the elementary school. I have another picture that shows the rest of her (could be a him though), but I thought her face was so pretty, I wanted to show you. What a randomly lovely thing to put on a walkway. There were a few other statues, but this one was prettiest.

Just a pretty house I saw while walking around. I think it looks Italian.

I think that this shop was an animal shelter or something. They had a bunch of pictures of dogs and cats in the window. I'm thinking of going in and buying a new cat to replace Maynard (don't tell him O.O), and to hell with the consequences! Um... except then I'd have to sneak it back in or get kicked out. Hrml. And I just unpacked. What a tricky situation.

Edit: I went to the website on the window, and it's a veterinary clinic. So, no cat. Darn.

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