Saturday, January 17, 2009


I think Kayoko and I walked for like 3 or 4 hours straight. It was intense. We went from Meiji Jingu Mae to Ebisu Metro Station by foot, and pretty much back. My old old body aches. Crazy men tried to pick us up, and, strangely, we both pretended we didn't speak English ^^*****. Well, you know how it goes.

Here is an artist's map of our route, rendered in lively colors for your enjoyment:

Glaciers, I'm beat. I also got some fun shopping done. Bought Bridget Jones II, the book, because I need something light for the airplane (there is not much that is lighter). Also an Ozaki tribute album (as though you know what I'm referring to ^^*) and THE Spice Girls Album (I guess there were more than one, but only one made number one, yo!). Also got some Matcha Candy at Meiji Jingu. I wanted to get the tea but it basically just looks like normal tree leaves and I didn't think it'd make it past customs. Pooooooh! T.T

Anyway, I's gotta get to bed so's to get up early and bring my sweet self over to Kawagoe. EXHAUSTED.


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