Thursday, November 13, 2008

*I Should Dye my Hair Purple*

Because that's what a lot of old women randomly do in Japan. I'm not sure what it means. Do you? I'll look it up eventually, but I'm too lazy at the moment. Yes, I know it would require a minimal amount of effort. The point is, that is still SOME effort, and I'm simply too much of a lazycakes.

I don't think "bum" is very nice. I was going to write that, and then I suddenly realized that it has unkind connotations, and really isn't a nice word at all. Um, random political off-topic ness. Anyway...

It is my birthday- yay? I actually did go to lunch with Kayoko today, and she bought me a mini cake for my b-day and a pin. It was really nice of her. Gah, I'm too depressed- mostly hormones because, well, it is the particular one day a month when I am always depressed on account of hormones. Peh.

So, I have random things to talk about.

I always go home past certain houses- like, I have altered my route to include them, because they have automatic lights. They just come right on when you walk past them. I know this isn't the most energy-conscious sort of thing, but it makes me feel really happy, like someone's welcoming me home. It is lonely living alone, with not even a kitty or pup to welcome you and ask how your day was. Blub.

Also, there is just a lot of racism. Like both Japanese and non. There was this British lady on the train platform talking really loudly about how all Japanese people walk really really slow (I'm paraphrasing, not agreeing). Then she did this imitation of how Japanese people walk, and it was really offensive. And she kept going on and on about how lazy Japanese are. It was so embarrassing! I was walking behind her and I just gave her this "are you an idiot or just plain bitchy?" look. I wanted to say something, but it really wasn't my business I guess.

And yesterday, these Japanese schoolgirls on the train were making fun of the way 外人 which is an offensive (yes, I know it's funny in the U.S. to some people, but it is meant as an insult, so really... it's not funny) way of saying 外国人 which in itself offends me as it literally means "Outside Country Person" aka OUTSIDER (not nice) women toss their hair. That was a little complicated. They were making fun of the way foreigner women toss their hair. And they went on to say "Especially Americans" and were laughing and mocking women tossing their hair. But do you want to know something?

Tossing one's hair is sexy. And it makes the pretty scent of the shampoo carry to nearby peoples' noses. Mmm.

Anyway, that's my mini rant.

Gah! I think I am misunderstood out of context. Okay, so one of the kids in my Japanese class missed this morning, but we have another class together Monday and Thursday afternoons. So I offered to go together to make copies of the homework. So I put the 70 yen in (about 70 cents) for the copies and he promised to pay me back. He sounded a little too serious about the whole thing, so, of course I made a joke:

"You'd better, or I'll take it back in flesh."

Now, I think this is quite obviously a Merchant of Venice reference. As in, I shall cut into his flesh, like a hand or a finger of something, as payment. Like in MOV, it is a pound of flesh nearest the heart. But of course, he thought I was making a dirty joke/come on, and he got all awkward. So I had to explain that it was from Merchant of Venice, and I didn't mean for it to be dirty v.v But I think he still thought it was a come on, and he gave me the 70 yen back right away.

Which might be an insult, by the by.

In any event, I don't think I'm asking for the moon when I assume that people get Merchant of Venice pound of flesh references. Am I? Now I feel like a snob for using Shakespeare. But this kid is an American, so he ought to have read it in school if nothing else, right? Whatever, he's uneducated and I quoted the bard in everyday speech, so kudos me!

Do you see how big my head is getting? That may secretly be the reason behind the pain in my shoulders, etc.

AND I totally didn't get this part in Tale of Genji where Murasaki loses her virginity. TOTALLY missed that that was the case. I just thought she was sick and pouting. Oh, so that's why she was in bed all day. So you see, I'm not such a perv, I'm so innocent, I don't even catch things like that in the text. What a maroon!

Anyway, tomorrow it will not be my birthday anymore. So wish me luck with that?

Loves! <3

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