I get home. Man, I wish I could skip my next class, but she's giving us the material to study for the midterm, so I cannot! Hopefully, we'll get out early again, since it's another student presentation. Oh, to be home by 5:30 again! Then, I could study my kanji, which is what I do every night when I am watching tv on my computer, btw (kanji studying requires no brain or eyes, only the hand practicing the stroke order for hours), and go to sleeeeeep. Or imagine myself asleep as I lie awake cursing my noisy neighbors/people two stories up.
I'm going to go talk with the Overseas Liaison Center to see if there's anyway I can change my housing arrangements. My apartment is so noisy, all the time, and it isn't just the exchange students. Last night, someone spent thirty minutes blow drying his or, more likely, her hair from 11:30 to midnight-ish. I wanted to take that blow drier and throw it under a running faucet- take out all the electricity in the building and put an end to all that loud music too! But, they'd probably arrest me, and I might accidentally electrocute myself. Must come up with more practical evil scheme. Hm...
I'm mostly trying to distract myself because my back hurts a great deal today. I'm not sure why it's been so bad this weekend, though it's only Tuesday, I guess. I think it might have to do with not getting enough sleep. Oh, just so you know, I do in fact use earplugs- the noise is so loud that it penetrates my orange, malleable beauties. Sob!
Hey, nifty, apparently CreateSpace, one of the sponsors of Nanowrimo, is "is offering all NaNoWriMo 2008 winners a free proof copy of [their] manuscript[s] in paperback book form. They'll even cover basic postage!" Sweet! I can't believe that it is real, until I see it, though, because that seems like a lot of $$$/there's no yen sign on the Japanese computer in the computer lab... what the Dunkin Donuts? Anyway, I'm about 10,000 words away.
Did I explain what Nanowrimo is? I think I linked it and assumed ya'll'd get busy.. Anyway, it is NAtional NOvel WRiting MOnth (NANOWRIMO, seee?). You spent the whole month of November working on a novel/50,000 words of a novel. But you only have from the 1st to the 30th- gah! So, it's a race to write! This is my third year but WILL BE my second SUCCESSFUL year. Which means, I do have a book written from last year sitting about on my computer- still mostly in need of editing, though I did a HUGE amount this September.
Anyway, I have three days of midterms for Japanese next week plus a Japanese test, which means for 12 of the 15 hours of Japanese class time next week, I'll be test-taking. Also, drama test next week- gah! One day will be FOUR HOURS of tests. Therefore, please understand my busyness and forgive the craptacularly crappy quality of my ness this week. Trying to finish Nanowrimo with midterms is death- plus the outing this Sunday (which I must do, you see, because I haven't been out much the past two weeks and I need to BREATHE) so gah!
I thought of this poem:
We'll Go No More A-roving
So, we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.
Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a-roving
By the light of the moon.
Lord Byron (1788-1824)
Loves! <3
I hate people sometimes. How they can be prized over others. So if I get trashed and act like an imbecile, I'll suddenly be cool.
No wonder I was so unpopular in high school.
Yeah, it's rough. I'm trying to move! Crazy times crazy times! I went to a garbage island today, btw, oh, but I'll probably post about it... anyway it was nifty.
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