Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here are some perty ones. If'n I can get 'em to work. I don't remember who made them, but if, perchance, you did make one, holla and I'll credit it to you. I don't think you have to on blogs though... since they're like... diaries:

Creepy Doll:

Flowers and Faeries:

Strawberries (tile it):

Memories of a Lost Love:

Love and Lanterns:

Geisha's Face:

Leaves, Wind, and a Girl

Sleeping Lion

Running Away

Beautiful Woman

Seagull and Fish

So, those are probably my favorites. I hope you enjoy! Um, I have a Mac so I don't worry about image sizes for wallpapers anymore O.o pretty much any size works. So I'm sorry if it doesn't work on your computer! Not that you even like them... Don't break my heart. :(


Anonymous said...

The first one reminds of "A Nightmare Before Christmas," and the last one is probably is my favorite.

Amanda Martin Sandino said...

Well, I love all of them >.< but those two are definitely on my screen a LOT. Also, the Flowers and Faeries one, but I think it just fits my screen really well, and it's a nice, bright alternative sometimes ^-^