The sign on the platform where I must stand to board said trains:
In Hiragana (for me, not you >.< it's easier to first translate to Hiragana, then to English): じょせいせんようくるま
Which means, whoa, "Ladies Only Car," basically. That wasn't that interesting actually...
Here is a picture of the car itself, sans me:
I hope that tells you how busy the other cars are! Anyway, sometimes I miss trains because I wait until I get to the women only platform, but I think it's worth it. This also means that I really can't go to school with anyone else, because most everyone I know is either a man (O.o) or too rushed to be willing to wait.
Do you think that it is every heterosexual man's fantasy, who has viewed these trains, to be allowed on these trains, the only fella squished amongst a sea of women?
I also received a letter from Mari (host sister from when I came in high school- from Osaka), which is super cute. It really made my day. She told me earlier today that she had sent me a letter but I didn't know it would get here so quickly! She also sent me some blank stationery to write her back. Anyway, here is a picture of her letter, because it is so cute:
You should sent me mail because it makes me very happy, like this ^_______________________________^
Also, I had lunch with Kayoku today and she is very nice. She had to go to class pretty quickly though, so it wasn't that long. She went to Ginza this week and got me some pamphlets on kabuki and festivals there, which was really sweet of her. I can't read them though O.o I'll have to work on that...
I keep running into the same girl every morning at Piano Club, so we finally exchanged information today. She's a sophomore, I think, and very sweet. Also, she's at about the same level as me, so I don't feel terrible about my playing around her! I think a lot of the members of the club are just trying to be impressive, which they certainly are, but what's the point in playing if it's not fun? They play these really fast complicated pieces that just don't sound pretty. Pretty, slow songs are easier in some ways, except you have to work really hard to force emotion out of the notes! Or maybe I'm just fooling myself to feel better about my sucky playing O.O It is a mystery.
It's really starting to piss me off that Isabel comes by all the time to get hot water. I didn't get the damn hot water pot for her to drink tea. I keep having to fill it up (meaning 3+ trips to the faucet in the laundry room) and she keeps coming at like 12:30 or other late times. Very inconsiderate. Gr. Sorry for the rant. She said she was going to get a hot water pot once she got the money from her scholarship, which I know she has, so why doesn't she buy her own? She's bought EVERYTHING else! Gr.
Anyway.... So, I got really obviously hit on by this random kid on campus. He just kinda asked if the seat across from me was taken, even though there were like a zillion other seats, and then promptly started talking to me in English. I guess he studied in Chicago and London. Then he asked me if I wanted something to drink, which I declined, because I already had a drink in front of me O.o (coffee, not alcohol. This is an outside lunch table, not a bar, people!). Then we talked about studying Japanese and he said that my Japanese was excellent, even though we spoke in English the whole time. So, um, really obviously flirting. But, anyway, we exchanged numbers because, why not?
Wow, even lame-o pick up attempts succeed in wooing me? No, not really wooed. >.<
I only missed half a point on my test yesterday- yay. Although, it was a LAME mistake- shame shame on me. Almost the weekend here, one more day and I can SLEEP!
I should drink coffee more often, it makes me really sociable. O.O I talked with like EVERYONE in my lit class. Honestly, and I forgot all their names, if I even asked. I really like the French boy I sometimes sit next to, he seems really down to earth (no, not in a- OMG, Frenchboys are HAWT kind of way). I also talked to a guy from Chicago. Which is in Illinois. Um, I obviously am running out of things to say.
My neighbors continue to torment me with their constant stomping, laughing, loud-music playing, and I glare daggers through the walls at them. I'm sure it gives them terrible nightmares. Which is why they're up all the time, keeping me awake. Whoa...
Loves and Peaces!
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