School was good. I only have one class Wednesdays: Intensive Japanese 1 (it's actually an intermediate level >.< It just sounds like an introductory course). The class is three hours long; one and a half hour, then a fifteen minute break, and another hour and a half. Phew, we have five different teachers! It switched between first half and second and depending on the day of the week! I like the professors I've had so far, but who knows? With five teachers, maybe one's bound to be a homework Nazi?!
I found a place to withdraw money- hoorah! Apparently, there are more post offices than I could ever imagine. I found one and it gave me money from an ATM. Now, I am rich. Or... was. Until I bought my text books for Intensive One! I still have to buy two more, but it's already four books! What the hey-ho?
The day went downhill from there. My feet really hurt. I don't want to complain in specifics, just in case O.o Let's just say, I'd hoped to be home by three, and got home at 7:30. Now, I must do homework and study for a quiz.
I bought marshmallows also. I want to make s'mores. Hm. I shall find grahams and then a way! BWA HAHAH!
Edit: Also, I saw an advertisement for Miki House. If you've seen Tokyo Pop, which you probably haven't, since it flopped, that's the hostel that Carrie Hamilton's character, Wendy, stayed at. Hm, I think only people I've forced to watch this movie have ever seen it.
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